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lmost 400,000 people
suffer from an ST
Segment Elevation
Myocardial Infarction
(STEMI) heart attack each year. It
is a severe heart attack that carries
a substantial risk of death or
disability. Immediate identification
and treatment are critical, ideally in
less than 90 minutes.
The gold standard for treating
a STEMI is to open up the artery
Health news and information at
Fall 2011
A service of Kadlec Regional Medical Center–Tri-Cities
via balloon angioplasty and insert
a stent. The procedure, called
PCI (percutaneous coronary
intervention, or angioplasty), is
performed in the Catheterization
Laboratory—commonly called the
Cath Lab—and is highly effective
if done in time. Kadlec Regional
Medical Center is the only hospital
in the area that can provide this
potentially lifesaving procedure.
STEMI coordinator
cardiac care
­—continued on page 4
Advanced heart
care when he
needed it
Terry Satterfield was doing yard
work this spring when he realized
the more work he did, the more
fatigued he became. Soon, he was
also getting a pain in his shoulders.
The then-44-year-old from Pasco
was hesitant to get medical care.
His wife, Christa, insisted he get
evaluated, but he still hesitated.
“I called a friend,” said Terry,
“and he said that if I needed to call
him to ask about my symptoms, I
needed to go to the hospital.”
Terry headed to the Emergency
Department at Kadlec Regional
Medical Center. An angiogram
showed he had blockages.
Terry underwent open-heart
surgery, which included a double
bypass performed by Kadlec
cardiothoracic surgeon Juan
Cordero Jr., MD.
“They had me up walking just
a few hours after surgery,” Terry
said. “They progress you right
along, and I was home within
four days.”
—continued on page 4