Kadlec | Healthy Heart | June 2014 - page 2

2 • www.kadlec.org
Kadlec Academy continues to be a hit with elementary schools across the
community. Here, kids from Cottonwood Elementary learn about fire safety with
the help of a team from Richland Fire. The free after-school health program,
put on by Kadlec with the help of other health and safety organizations from
throughout the community, is designed to get kids off to a healthy, safe start in
life. This year the program reached 24 schools in the community.
Reliable medical
a click away
to find
information about a specific disease
or condition, one of the first places
youmay turn to is the Internet.
There may be lots of information,
but howmuch of it is reliable?
Kadlec has a new service that
can help. Directly from the Kadlec
website, you can now access our
health library, powered by Krames
StayWell, the largest provider
of interactive, print and mobile
patient education solutions and
consumer health information in
the country. You no longer need
to do a search for conditions and
wonder if the information you are
receiving is trusted.
Visit the site by going to
and click on the
Health Library button. Be sure
to bookmark the library on your
computer or mobile device so you
can return to it easily.
HEALTHY HEART is published as a community service
for the friends and patrons of KADLEC REGIONAL
MEDICAL CENTER, 888 Swift Blvd., Richland, WA
(509) 946-4611
, website
President and CEO
Kadlec Health System
Nikki Ostergaard
Marketing Specialist
Kadlec Health System
Lane Savitch
Kadlec Regional
Medical Center
Nan Domenici
Marketing Director
Kadlec Health System
Information in HEALTHY HEART comes from a wide
range of medical experts. If you have any concerns or
questions about specific content that may affect your
health, please contact your health care provider.
Models may be used in photos and illustrations.
2014 Coffey Communications
Photos by Kim Fetrow, Kim Fetrow Photography, and
Lindsay Asmus
Q: What new Kadlec program can be
the first step for people with heart
disease in establishing a healthy
The Kadlec Cardiac Assessment
and Risk Education (CARE) program!
During the eight-week program,
participants receive a heart-health
assessment, detailed information
about risk factors and a personalized
preventive treatment plan.
To get more information, call
(509) 627-6258
Q: How will my health improve
if I quit smoking?
You’ll start getting healthier right
away. Your blood pressure and heart
rate will start to fall the first day.
As time goes on, you’ll see these
additional benefits:
Your coughing, wheezing and
shortness of breath will lessen.
Your circulation and lung function
will improve.
Your risk for coronary heart disease,
stroke and peripheral arterial
disease will decline.
Your chances of getting cancer of
the lung, mouth, throat, bladder,
esophagus and pancreas will
all decrease.
Your senses of taste and smell
will improve.
Sources: American Cancer Society; Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention
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